Thursday, August 4, 2011

Email security for Google Apps: Objectionable Content and Content Compliance features now available

Objectionable Content and Content Compliance email security settings are now available directly in the Google Apps Control Panel. These new settings will allow admins to filter messages based on word lists or predefined sets of words, phrases, text patterns, or numerical patterns.

With Objectionable Content policies, you choose whether messages containing certain words (obscenities, for example) are rejected or delivered, and you have the option to notify others when the filter is triggered.

Content Compliance policies (or settings) are email filters based on predefined sets of words, phrases, text patterns, or numerical patterns. Content Compliance filters scan messages for content that matches one or more of the rules that you set within the policy. You can choose whether these messages are rejected or delivered, and you also have the option to notify others when filters are triggered.

Editions included:
Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

Languages included:
All languages supported by the Admin Control Panel (Next Generation and Current version)

How to access what's new:
Objectionable Content policies:
1. Administrators can log into the Control Panel.
2. Follow the instructions in Add Email Settings to an Organization.
3. In the Add Setting dialog box, click ‘Objectionable Content’ in the left navigation menu.
4. Edit each of the following sections: Messages to Affect, Conditions, and Consequences.
5. When you are finished making changes, click ‘Add Setting’ to close the dialog box.
Any settings you add will be highlighted on the Settings page.
6. Click ‘Save changes’ at the bottom of the Email Settings page

Content Compliance policies:
1. Administrators can log into the Control Panel.
2. Follow the instructions in Add Email Settings to an Organization.
3. In the Add Setting dialog box, click ‘Content Compliance’ in the left navigation menu.
4. Edit each of the following sections: Messages to Affect, Conditions, and Consequences.
5. When you are finished making changes, click ‘Add Setting’ to close the dialog box. Note: Any settings you add will be highlighted on the Settings page.
6. Click ‘Save changes’ at the bottom of the Settings page.

For more information:

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